Showing posts with label Systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Systems. Show all posts

Thursday 11 October 2018

What are we really focusing on?

Are the words Trust and Faith, really just words or do they truly matter?

These days, and most nights too, are really about nerve wracking, brain hurting, deep and constant thinking.  Primarily because, in as much as, I would like to think that most people are decent and believable, it seems otherwise in reality. This is apart from systems, practices and processes that stellar constellations which seem to move at their own indescribable and mysterious ways. Surely, these must be the result of influences by the august governance, judicial and cultural mores of India.

Image credit: Shutterstock. Modified by Anish Kumarswamy.

All it takes to open one's eyes is to see the kind of business practices that have been and continue to reign in India to date, simply because of the convoluted thinking processes and policies which have been followed and implemented by successive Government regimes - be it at the central or the state level.

The current Indian Prime Minister embarked on a "destroy unaccounted / black money drive" by demonetising an entire range of currency denominations. Yet, I see that on the street, in the real world, unaccounted cash driven business practices are still the norm, rather than the exception. Seems nearly seven decades of systemic abuse is quite resilient to such surgical strikes!

After having resided in the UAE wherein systems and processes are not as complex or at least, geared for making life easier for the ordinary person, and far more transparent, this momentous eye-opener for me has been the equivalent of an volcano going off in my head! Further, for someone like me, who has no black money at all, but rather a little bit of hard earned legal and completely accounted for money, colloquially known as white money, as well as potentially - documented, collaterally secured high interest loans to invest into a fledgling business, the not so surprising but personally earth shattering revelation happens: faith and trust have only one outcome - it will be abused. Everyone simply loves the challenge on figuring out how to game the system. So instead of correcting the system, we make it even more complex.

The whole process of even starting a business is so complicated and fraught with the high possibility of getting abused by either the system or the people entrenched in the system, that this is far more than an entry barrier for most people. It is actually a huge, rock solid, wall of detriment over which those who choose to sweat blood and tears to clamber over, may even find that success is not getting on top of this wall. It is not even about figuring out if the drop on the other side, may only break their legs if not necks! It is so much more than such simple achievements. Should one succeed to overcome this phase, then comes the next uphill struggle of remaining afloat and working crazy hard to maybe achieve a semblance of returns!

Isn't this why as a nation, we are still struggling to get out of being a third world nation?

More updates on my bakery & restaurant business attempt will follow once I can get my head around the same. More anon.

What are we really focusing on?

Are the words Trust and Faith , really just words or do they truly matter? These days, and most nights too, are really about nerve wrack...